Start Your own Sing and Sign Class

Sing and Sign makes baby signing a fun and lively experience. It is also a joy to teach!
There are currently well over 200 teachers running classes across Britain. If you are enjoying Sing and Sign with your baby either through our DVD, online resources or by attending classes and are interested in exploring the possibility of running your own groups, then we would love to hear from you!
What does a Sing and Sign franchise offer?
- The opportunity to teach baby signing using a highly respected, much loved and successful system
- A potentially high return for low start-up costs
- Use of the Sing and Sign registered trademark logo
- Your own territory in which to operate
- Comprehensive initial training including Manual and online learning
- Complete lesson plans for our core curriculum
- Refresher training and follow-on curriculum packages available
- Comprehensive package of props and materials required to run Sing and Sign classes
- Ongoing support, including a Teacher's Forum online
- Merchandising opportunities for the popular and professionally made Sing and Sign products (DVDs, CDs, books, toys, online resources)
What is special about Sing and Sign?
- Sing and Sign was the very first British baby signing programme, was developed with the help of Speech and Language experts and has won numerous awards
- Sing and Sign is respected and recommended by professionals and widely loved by parents and babies
- A full range of toys and props for class are included, to help keep the babies attention
- Quality recorded music (which the babies love!) accompanies many of the songs
- Parents pre-pay for your courses (so you can budget effectively)
- Comprehensive private website exclusively for Sing and Sign teachers. All the resources you need, including ongoing support and advice from other teachers.
- Classes can fit in with school term times. You decide how many sessions to teach per week and can therefore build an enjoyable and successful business without compromising your family commitments
What kind of person are we looking for?
- As a Sing and Sign teacher you will have a lively personality, be able to sing in tune and enjoy interacting with small children
- To run a Sing and Sign group requires no particular business experience but you will be well organised, reliable and have a professional attitude.
- You will have a genuine interest in and enthusiasm for the concept of baby signing
- It is essential that you have either :
- experience of baby signing as a parent or
- a speech and language qualification
- We require a commitment to build your business and a keenness to promote baby signing.
What are the costs? (2024)
Even if teaching just a few sessions a week, you can still soon make a profit
All the money you earn from your classes is your own, we take no commission.
The current price of your own Sing and Sign franchise is £1800+vat, subsequently renewable annually at the equivalent of £610+vat per year
What is the first step?
The first step is to email us at to request a Franchise Information Pack. From this you can print out and complete our Franchise application form and send it to us.
If you submit an application form you are in no way obliged to take up the franchise! It is just an initial step in learning more about you.
Please also enclose a short audition film. We receive a large number of franchise enquiries each week, so if possible we like to “meet” you on film straightaway! This really speeds the process up. We can accept auditions filmed on camcorder or mobile phone is also fine. (The film can be sent by email, or by file transfer site such as Dropbox or WeTransfer, via Youtube link or in the post on memory stick. Auditions can be returned if you enclose an SAE.)
The purpose of the audition is to show us you can sing in tune and put across a song in a friendly way! We require ...
- Two or three simple nursery rhymes or Sing and Sign songs (even better!)
- No musical accompaniment, please
- Something fairly jolly like "Wheels on the Bus" is suitable
- It is fine for your children to be in the film (in fact this is nice!) but try to ensure we can actually hear you singing rather than other people!
We do hope you are inspired to learn more about becoming a Sing and Sign teacher and look forward to hearing from you